Joondalup Weather

joondalup weather

Average January weather in Joondalup

In January, the average temperature in Joondalup is 18.0°C. The average rainfall in January is 19mm. It rains for 3 days, on average. The maximum daytime temperature is usually around 31.0°C, with 355 hours of sunlight, this is an excellent time to visit Joondalup.


What clothes to wear in January? Visitors to Joondalup may want to wear cotton t-shirts and skirts. Shorts made of cotton are ideal for keeping cool on a hot day. This is a great month to swim, with water temperatures around 20.0°C, so bring your swimwear.

Min Temperature18 °C
Max Temperature31 °C
Average Sea Temperature20 °C
Average Humidity25% to 30%
Sunshine Hours355
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:14am - 5:41am
Sunset 7:26pm - 7:19pm
Chance of Rain10%
Rainy Days3

Joondalup weather in February

In February, the average minimum temperature in Joondalup is 18.3°C. February is a dry month, with an average rainfall of 14mm. It rains for 3 days on average. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 31.6°C. This makes February the hottest month of the year. With 320 hours of sunshine, this is a wonderful time to visit Joondalup.


So, what clothes to use in February? Visitors to Joondalup may wish to dress in cotton t-shirts or tops. Made of cotton shorts for men are good options for staying cool on a hot day. This is a great month to swim with water temperatures around 20.0°C, so bring your bathing suit.

Min Temperature18 °C
Max Temperature31 °C
Average Sea Temperature20 °C
Average HumidityFebruary Humidity: 30% to 28%
Sunshine Hours320
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:42am - 6:05am
Sunset 7:18pm - 6:53pm
Chance of Rain10%
Rainy Days3

Joondalup weather forecast for March

The minimum average temperature in Joondalup for March is 16.7°C. This is a dry month in Joondalup with an average of 22mm rain. It rains on average a total of 5 days. The maximum average daytime temperature base around 29.7°C, this is the perfect tempo to visit Joondalup with 299 hours of sunlight.


So, what recommendable to wear in March? Guests to Joondalup may wish to dress in cotton clothes shorts or skirts. Cotton or linen shorts for men are good options for staying cool on a hot day. This is a great month to go swimming with water temperatures around 21.0°C, so bring your swim attire.

Min Temperature16 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature21 °C
Average Humidity28% to 21%
Sunshine Hours299
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 6:06am - 6:27am
Sunset 6:51pm - 6:14pm
Chance of Rain17%
Rainy Days5

Joondalup weather forecast April

In April, the lowest average temperature in Joondalup is 13.6°C. April has a normal amount of rain, with an average of 36mm. On average, it rains for 8 days. The maximum daytime temperature is typically around 26.0°C. With 251 hours of sunshine, this is a lovely time to visit Joondalup.


What should you wear in April? Visitors plan to go to Joondalup may want to wear silk dresses. Like a short that made in cotton are ideal for keeping comfortable on a hot day. This is a great month to swim, with water temperatures around 21.0°C, so bring your swim outfit.

Min Temperature13 °C
Max Temperature26 °C
Average Sea Temperature21 °C
Average Humidity21% to 12%
Sunshine Hours251
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 6:28am - 6:47am
Sunset 6:13pm - 5:40pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Joondalup Weather May

In May, the minimum temperature in Joondalup is 10.3°C on average. The average rainfall in May is 88mm. It rains for 15 days on average. The daytime temperatures will be very pleasant.
The highest daytime temperature is usually around 22.2°C. With 208 hours of sunlight, now is a exact time to visit Joondalup. One of the best months to visit Joondalup is May.


What preferably clothes to wear in May? Visitors to Joondalup should bring a completely waterproof rain jacket because it rain sometimes. Bring simple short and a t-shirt, skirt as well because it can be very nice and warm.  The temperatures is 20.0°C, this is a great month to swim so, bring your bathing suit.

Min Temperature10 °C
Max Temperature22 °C
Average Sea Temperature20 °C
Average Humidity12% to 5%
Sunshine Hours208
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 6:48am - 7:07am
Sunset 5:39pm - 5:21pm
Chance of Rain50%
Rainy Days15

Joondalup weather radar for June

In June, the average lowest temperature in Joondalup is 9.0°C. June has a high amount of rain, with an average of 126mm. On average, it rains for 17 days. The maximum daytime temperature is around 19.5°C on average. As a result, June is the coldest month of the year. Sometimes, the sun will shine for 178 hours during the entire month.


What to wear in June? Visitors to Joondalup may wish to bring a water resistant jacket because it will regularly rain. Prepare to double your clothing. Some days or parts of the day will be warm and comfy, while others may be a little bit hot. This is a great month to swim with water temperatures around 19.0°C, so bring your swimwear.

Min Temperature9 °C
Max Temperature19 °C
Average Sea Temperature19 °C
Average Humidity5% to 2%
Sunshine Hours178
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 7:08am - 7:17am
Sunset 5:19pm - 5:23pm
Chance of Rain57%
Rainy Days17

July weather in Joondalup

In July, the average lowest temperature in Joondalup is 8.0°C. The average amount of rain in July is 143mm. This makes it the wettest month of the year. It rains for 19 days on average. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 18.5°C. With 191 hours of sunshine, this is an excellent time to visit Joondalup.


So, what to wear in July? Visitors to Joondalup should bring a completely water resistant jacket because it commonly rains. Dress thick clothes, some days or parts of the day will be pleasant and warm, while others will be chilly. With a water temperature of around 18.0°C.

Min Temperature8 °C
Max Temperature18 °C
Average Sea Temperature18 °C
Average Humidity2% to 0%
Sunshine Hours191
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 7:17am - 7:06am
Sunset 5:23pm - 5:40pm
Chance of Rain63%
Rainy Days 19

Joondalup weather for August

In August, the minimal average temperature in Joondalup is 8.0°C. August has a high amount of rain, with an average of 122mm. On average, it rains for 19 days. The maximum daytime temperature is typically around 19.0°C. With 222 hours of sunlight, this is an wondeful time to visit Joondalup.


Preferably attire to use in August? Visitors to Joondalup may wish to bring a waterproof rain jacket because it frequently rains. Double your dress. Some days or parts of the day will be good and warm, while others will be chilly. There is no need to bring your swim attire because the water temperature is around 17.0°C.

Min Temperature8 °C
Max Temperature19 °C
Average Sea Temperature17 °C
Average Humidity0% to 0%
Sunshine Hours222
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 7:05am - 6:35am
Sunset 5:41pm - 5:59pm
Chance of Rain63%
Rainy Days19

September weather of Joondalup

In September, the average minimum temperature in Joondalup is 9.7°C. The average rainfall in September is 83mm. It rains 15 days out of the year on average. The average high temperature during the day is around 20.5°C. Now is a wonderful time to visit Joondalup, which has 230 hours of sunshine.  Greatest months to visit Joondalup is September.

Recommendable to wear in September? Travelers to Joondalup should bring a waterproof rain jacket because it will occasionally rain. Bring shorts and silky t-shirt as well because it can be very nice and warm. There is no need to bring swim outfit because the water temperature is around 17.0°C.

Min Temperature9 °C
Max Temperature20 °C
Average Sea Temperature17 °C
Average Humidity0% to 1%
Sunshine Hours230
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 6:34am - 5:56am
Sunset 6:00pm - 6:17pm
Chance of Rain50%
Rainy Days15

Weather Forecast Joondalup October

In October, the average minimum temperature in Joondalup is 11.5°C. The amount of rain in October is normal, with an average of 38mm. On average, it rains for 12 days. During the day, temperatures should be satisfying. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 23.2°C. With 298 hours of sunshine, this is an great time to visit Joondalup. October is one of the best months to visit Joondalup.


What should you wear in October? Bring a rain jacket in case it rains during this time. Bring shorts or a skirt as well, as it can be very warm or even hot. There is no need to bring your swimwear because the water temperature is around 17.0°C.

Min Temperature11 °C
Max Temperature23 °C
Average Sea Temperature17 °C
Average Humidity1% to 5%
Sunshine Hours298
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:55am - 5:20am
Sunset 6:18pm - 6:40pm
Chance of Rain40%
Rainy Days12

Joondalup weather of November

In November, the average minimum temperature in Joondalup is 14.2°C. November is a dry month with an average rainfall of 23mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The maximum daytime temperature is typically around 26.5°C. Now is a great time to visit Joondalup, which has 318 hours of sunshine.


So, what should you wear in November? Visitors to Joondalup may wish to dress in cotton T-shirts, and skirts. Cotton or shorts for men are good options for staying cool on a hot day. With water temperatures of approximately 18.0°C.

Min Temperature 14 °C
Max Temperature 26 °C
Average Sea Temperature 18 °C
Average Humidity 5% to 12%
Sunshine Hours 318
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:20am - 5:04am
Sunset 6:41pm - 7:06pm
Chance of Rain 23%
Precipitation 23mm
Rainy Days 7

December weather of Joondalup

The minimum temperature in Joondalup in January is 16. 5° C. December is a dry month with an normal of 9mm rainwater. This makes it the driest month of the year. That rains normally a total in 5 days. The standard highest day temperature is 29. 3° C. This is your great time to go to Joondalup with 354 hours in sun.


What to wear in December? Dresses, tops, T-shirts and skirts made of silk cotton may be worn by visitors to Joondalup. Cotton shorts are a good option for keeping cool in the heat . This is a good month to move with the temperature of the water around 19. 0° C.

Min Temperature 16 °C
Max Temperature 29 °C
Average Sea Temperature 19 °C
Average Humidity12to 28%
Sunshine Hours 354
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:04am - 5:13am
Sunset 7:07pm - 7:25pm
Chance of Rain 17%
Precipitation 9mm
Rainy Days 5

Weather Forecast Joondalup 7 Days

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